Chilean Dictatorship and the Human Rights Movement

Christina Bui

Scholars have looked to the period of the 1960s through the 1980s as the birth of the international human rights movement, citing the organization against the Vietnam War and the brutal Latin American military dictatorships. On September 11, 1973, Chilean President Allende was overthrown in a brutal military coup with US backing. What followed was seventeen years of a military dictatorship with violent violations of human rights.

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Thank you for sharing your research – very interesting! What got you interested in this particular research topic? – Hannah S Saji

Very interesting and timely project. Do you think your research has any implications for thinking about world leaders with a record of human rights abuse in the current moment — any learnings from the past? – Jeanette Herman

I notice your conclusion that human rights activism in this case was diluted due to its being “unpolitical”. How does this compare to more contemporary human rights activism? – Rob Reichle