Learning Specialist Appointments
The Sanger Learning Center supports instructors through programs that provide extra assistance to students in historically-difficult courses. Encourage your students to meet with a learning specialist. Students can make an appointment online, call 512-471-3614, or visit our main office in JES A332.
Supplemental Instruction (SI)
The Sanger Learning Center works with departments and professors to identify courses and TAs that would be a good match for the SI program. Typically, SI supports large enrollment (100 or more students), historically difficult (high D, F, Q, and W rates), and lower-division courses.
SI enhances student learning and improves student performance. Data collected both nationally and locally for more than 30 years confirms that regular SI attendance has a significant effect on final course grades. The program trains graduate teaching assistants and undergraduate SI leaders to run discussion sections that reinforce and clarify course content while integrating study and reasoning skills. The SI program gives both instructors and TAs valuable insight into the needs of students, helping instructors effectively respond to each unique class.
SI also benefits UT Austin departments. It is a low-cost, high-impact course enhancement program that simultaneously improves the experience and performance of undergraduate students in SI-supported courses, offers graduate students in-class teaching experience and professional development opportunities, and supports the teaching goals of course instructors. If you would like SI to support your course, please contact Mitchell Shotts.
Outreach Services and Presentations
We host a number of presentations for instructors throughout the semester. The SLC is also available to deliver presentations to your class.
Learn more about outreach services or request a presentation.