Natural Science & Technology Parts I & II (030; 093 Natural Science)
To satisfy the depth requirement in Natural Science and Technology Part I, students must complete an approved combination of six hours in a single field of study.
When Choosing Courses for Part I
The table below indicates allowable Part I science pairings. Courses with an asterisk have prerequisites.
Field of Study: Astronomy
Prefix | This Course | + One Course from This List |
AST | 301 or 307 | 309C*, 309G*, 309L*, 309N*, 309R*, 309S* |
Field of Study: Biology
Prefix | This Course | + This Course | OR a Course from this List |
BIO | 311C | 311D* | 326M*, 365S*, 446L*, 301D, 301G, 301M, 305F, 309D |
BIO | 315H | 325H* | 301D, 301L, 301G, 301M, 305F, 309D |
Prefix | Any two courses within an individual row of BIO courses |
BIO | 301D, 301G, 301L, 301M, 305F, 309D |
BIO | 301E, 301D, 305F, 309D, 309F, 311C, 315H |
Field of Study: Chemistry
Prefix | This Course | + This Course | OR a Course from This List |
CH | 301 | 302* | 305* |
CH | 301H | 302H* | 302*, 305* |
CH | 304K | 305* |
Field of Study: Geology
Prefix | This Course | + One Course from This List |
GEO | 401 or 303 | 302C, 302D, 302E, 302G, 302J, 302M, 302P, 303C, 405* |
Prefix | Or any GEO combination listed in the row below |
GEO | 302C, 302D, 302E, 302G, 302J, 302M, 302P, 303, 303C |
Field of Study: Marine Science
Prefix | This Course + This Course |
MNS | 307, 308* |
Field of Study: Natural Science
Prefix | This Course | + This Course | OR a Course from This List |
NSC | 306J | 306K* | 306L*, 306M*, or any PHY or PS course listed below. |
Field of Study: Physics and Physical Science
Prefix | This Course | + This Course | OR a Course from This List |
PHY | 301 | 316* | 302L*, 303L*, 317L*, 309L*, PS 304*, NSC 306J |
PHY | 302K | 302L* | 303L*, 309L*, 316*, 317L*, PS 304*, NSC 306J |
PHY | 303K | 303L* | 302L*, 309L*, 316*, 317L*, PS 304*, NSC 306J |
PHY | 317K | 317L* | 302L*, 303L*, 309L*, 316*, PS 304*, NSC 306J |
PHY | 309K | 309L* | PS 304*, NSC 306J |
PS | 303 | 304* | NSC 306J |
Prefix | This Course | + One Course from this List |
Plan II PHY | 321 | 301, 302K, 303K, 317K, 309K, 316*, 302L*, 303L*, 317L*, 309L*, PS 303 or PS 304* or NSC 306J |
When Choosing Courses for Part II
To satisfy the requirement in Natural Science and Technology Part II, students must complete three hours in a field of study other than the one used for Natural Science and Technology Part I. For Natural Science and Technology Part II, you must choose a course from the Part I or II list in a field of study that is not blacked out.