In the process of fulfilling the core curriculum and other degree requirements, undergraduates complete courses with significant content in the following six areas:
- Writing: three courses beyond Rhetoric and Writing 306 or its equivalent
- Cultural Diversity in the United States: one course
- Ethics & Leadership: one course
- Global Cultures: one course
- Independent Inquiry: one course
- Quantitative Reasoning: one course
Flagged courses are identified in the Course Schedule with a yellow box that indicates the specific flag designation. Degree audits also include a yellow box to designate which courses students have taken that satisfy flag requirements.
A course can carry up to three flags. However, the same course cannot be used to satisfy the Global Cultures and Cultural Diversity flags even if the course carries both flags.
Each college and school is implementing these new requirements on a different timeline. Consequently, during the implementation period, certain majors may require fewer flags than others. Students should consult their advisors for more information.