Past participants in Research Week include
- 512stew / Design Division Juniors
- ACTLab Program
- American Chemical Society Student Affiliates
- Applied Research Laboratories
- Association of Black Psychologists Student Circle
- Astronomy Program
- Austin Technology Incubator
- Bridging Disciplines Programs
- Butler School of Music
- Cardiovascular Aging Research Laboratory
- Center for Asian American Studies
- Center for Learning and Memory
- Center for Social Work Research
- Clinical Neuroscience Lab
- Cockrell School of Engineering Undergraduate Poster Competition
- Cognition and Communication Lab
- Cognition, Culture, and Development Lab
- College of Fine Arts
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Natural Sciences
- College of Pharmacy
- Creative Research Laboratory
- Department of Advertising and Public Relations Research Club
- Department of Art and Art History
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Department of Communication Studies
- Department of Economics Honors Program
- Department of Government
- Department of Government Honors Program
- Department of History
- Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
- Department of Marine Science
- Department of Neuroscience & CNS Freshman Research Initiative
- Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Theatre and Dance
- Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
- Education Council
- English Honors Program
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Environmental Science Institute
- Equal Opportunity in Engineering Program
- Eta Sigma Phi
- Evolutionary Psychology Research Lab
- Ex Nihilo
- Extensible Undergraduate Research Experience in Communications and Applications
- Fine Arts Council
- Gosling Animal Personality Institute
- Gosling Lab
- Graduate School
- H.J. Lutcher Stark Center For Physical Culture and Sports
- Henderson Lab
- Human Abilities in Bilingual Language Acquisition
- IE Pre-Graduate School Internship
- Imagination and Cognition Lab
- Intellectual Entrepreneurship Consortium
- Language and Health Psychology Lab
- Language Development Lab
- Liberal Arts Humanities Program
- Liberal Arts Undergraduate Chapter for Research
- Life Sciences Library
- Department of Linguistics
- Marine Science Institute
- Materials Lab
- Materials Science & Engineering Graduate Program
- McNair Scholars Program
- Microelectronics Research Group
- Mood Disorders Laboratory
- Nritya Sangam Indian Dance Troupe
- Office of Sustainability
- Office of the Director of Sustainability
- Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
- Office of the Vice President for Research
- Office of Undergraduate Research
- Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Summer Research Program
- Pharmacy Council
- Pickle Research Mentorship Program
- Plan II Honors
- Polymathic Scholars
- PROJECT (Museum : Store) / 3-Dimensional Foundation
- Project on Conflict Resolution
- Psychological Distance Lab
- Public Health Major, Health Information Technology Program
- Research Student Advisory Council
- Regional Foundation Library
- School of Architecture
- School of Nursing
- School of Social Work
- School of Undergraduate Studies
- Senate of College Councils
- Sexual Psychophysiology Laboratory
- Social Work Council
- Sociological Insight
- Sociology Honors Program
- Student Affairs Office
- Student Engineering Council
- Studies on Alcohol, Health, and Risky Activities Lab
- Study Abroad Office
- Synapse
- Texas Advanced Computing Center
- Texas Interdisciplinary Plan
- Texas Research Experience Program
- UGS Council
- Undergraduate research in Linguistics
- Undergraduate Research Journal
- University of Texas at Austin Nursing Students Association
- University of Texas Digital Repository
- University of Texas Libraries
- UT Austin Public Health Internship Program
- UT Project SEED
- UT Stuttering Lab
- Women in Natural Sciences