
The Research Mentorship and Apprenticeship Program (Research-MAP) provides a cohort of 10–15 students with professional development and research presentation experience, funding to support their activity as research assistants, and assistance connecting with a faculty mentor if they do not already have one. Research-MAP increases access to research for students with financial barriers to participation and does so by providing research opportunities to first-time undergraduate researchers and those who are underrepresented in the research pipeline (e.g., conducting research in non-STEM fields). The program is a collaboration between the UT Student Research Committee and the Office of Undergraduate Research, with sponsorship from the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Students in the program will receive up to $2,000 in research assistantship funding in fall 2024 and $2,000 in spring 2025. The funding is provided via work-study support and support from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs; faculty mentors (or their departments or colleges) are asked to contribute matching funding when possible.

Students in the program will be required to take a one-hour research professional development course in spring 2024 and spring 2025.

Students can apply to be a part of Research-MAP whether they are already connected with a faculty mentor or need help connecting with one. Students in all majors can apply. You do not need to already be a part of a research project to apply for Research-MAP. Accepted students without a faculty mentor will be connected with one through the assistance of an OUR advisor. If an applicant already has a mentor, the mentor will be asked to provide some information and a letter of recommendation during the application process via the faculty information form.

Upcoming Research-MAP Info Sessions

Sign up for a Research-MAP info session here.

Friday, Oct. 6, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 26, 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Can’t make the info sessions? View the recording of a previous info session under the Resources section of the OUR Canvas page.


Who can apply? Any UT student who will be a full-time undergraduate in 2024-25 can apply. The program is primarily geared toward students who are currently first- or second-year students, and who are just beginning (or are hoping to soon begin) their engagement with research.

How will students be selected? Selection will be based on student financial need, essay, and other application materials, with the goal of increasing access to research for a cohort of students whose backgrounds reflect the various types of research taking place across campus. Selection criteria include the quality of the student essay; the relevance of research to their career or degree plan; their demonstrated interest in a research topic; the potential benefit of research to the student’s personal goals.

Do I need a faculty mentor already? No. If you’re accepted into the program and do not yet have a faculty mentor, OUR advisors will work with you in the spring to connect with a mentor.

What is the timeline for the program? 2024-25 applications are due Nov. 6, 2023, and students are notified of acceptance in December 2023. Students accepted in the program will register for a one-hour course in spring 2024 and spring 2025 (Wednesdays from 4-6 p.m. on roughly alternating weeks; dates will be provided by the instructor) where the cohort will meet for professional development workshops and finalize the process of matching with faculty mentors. The funded research assistantships will take place in fall 2024 and spring 2025, during which time the cohort will continue to occasionally meet. Members of the cohort will present their work at on-campus research events in spring 2025.

Do students apply for this or professors? Students apply, and the selection process takes into account their financial need. Faculty who are especially interested in being part of Research-MAP can encourage students to apply who they think would be competitive candidates. Interested faculty can also complete a faculty interest form, which we’ll use to help match accepted students to faculty.

What if I’m already doing research? The program is geared toward students who have not yet begun a research assistantship, or who will be completing their first full semester as a research assistant in spring 2024. If you’ve already been conducting research for a semester or more, this program is not a good fit for you.


Applications for The Research Mentorship and Apprenticeship Program are due Monday, Nov. 6, 2023.


As part of the application form, you’ll be asked to provide information about your financial need, upload a resume, and provide a personal statement (500 words) that addresses the following, in the context of your own experiences: Why are you interested in conducting research? What topics are you interested in researching? Feel free to reflect on the upbringing, background, and experiences in your life that have shaped who you are today.