How to Apply to the BDPs

We accept applications for the Bridging Disciplines Programs (BDPs) twice a year, during the fall and spring semesters. The Spring 2025 application deadline has been extended to Monday, March 10, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. The next application deadline will be in early October 2025.

Before You Apply

Completing Your Application

  • Complete the online application, which includes a two to three-page essay and a proposed plan for the coursework and Connecting Experiences you wish to complete for the BDP. We recommend downloading the essay guidelines and writing your essay before beginning the online application.
  • As you are preparing your application, review the application tips and criteria.
  • If you are graduating within the next four semesters, you will be asked to upload a semester course planner that outlines your plans for completing the BDP and your remaining degree requirements (summer classes should also be included). Please reference the coursework planning guide for information on when certain foundation course requirements are offered.
  • If your cumulative GPA at The University of Texas at Austin is in the 2.0-3.0 range, you will be asked to upload a GPA statement. In this brief (one to two-paragraph) statement, please explain any extenuating circumstances regarding your grades and academic progress of which you wish to inform the faculty panel who will be reviewing your application.
  • After you submit your online application and the application deadline has passed, the BDP office will contact you regarding a required online applicant workshop. The purpose of this workshop is to provide applicants with information to help them strengthen their applications, and all applicants will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit their applications based on information provided through this workshop.

After You Apply

  • The BDP faculty panel will review your application during the week of finals of the semester in which you applied. A BDP advisor will send you a secure academic note to inform you of the panel’s decision once the semester’s grades have been reported.
  • If you have been admitted to the BDPs, you will be invited to attend a mandatory orientation session at the start of the following long semester.

Questions? Email the BDP office for more information.