Alumni Engagement

In a recent survey of BDP alumni, 94 percent of respondents expressed an interest in continuing their involvement with the BDPs beyond their time at the Forty Acres. The BDPs are honored by the dedication of these alumni and value their service to the program.

The following options represent the various ways BDP alumni may choose to stay engaged and involved. To indicate your interest in participating in any of these activities, please complete this online form.

Create an Online Alumni Profile

Bridging Disciplines Programs alumni have built extraordinary professional and academic careers since earning their certificates. Alumni profiles inspire and help educate current and prospective BDP students about potential career paths. If you would like to share the story of your own career and academic trajectory since graduating from UT, please answer the questions in this online form and email us a photograph of you, pictured alone.

Join the BDP LinkedIn Group

Please join our LinkedIn group, UT Bridging Disciplines Programs Network, in which membership is restricted to BDP alumni and current students. This group is intended to be a venue for networking, professional and career development, and job, internship, and graduate school opportunities. To request membership, click on the link above and select “Join.”

Serve as a Guest Speaker in a BDP 101 Forum Seminar

Many of the instructors who teach our BDP 101 forum seminars have expressed interest in bringing BDP alumni back to campus to share with students what they learned in their BDP and how they have applied the knowledge and tools from their BDP experience in their career and/or graduate studies.

Participate in Informational Interviews with Current Students and Recent Alumni

Alumni may volunteer to be interviewed by current students or recent alumni interested in learning about their careers or graduate or professional degrees. This allows alumni to share their wealth of knowledge about the professional world beyond UT. If you volunteer to participate, we will share only your name, email address, and relevant employment, graduate school, and or awards/fellowship information you provide. To respect your time we will refer no more than two to three students to you each semester for a brief 15-30 minute informational interview, to be scheduled at your convenience.

Join the BDP Alumni Advisory Council

The BDP alumni advisory council held its first meeting in the spring of 2016. Council members will meet one to two times per year in Austin and will help the BDPs further engage alumni, improve the BDP experience for current and future students, and raise awareness and funds to support BDP initiatives.

Host an Intern

If your organization hires interns during the fall, spring, or summer academic terms, please consider sharing this information with us. We would be happy to advertise your internship openings on our BDP Opportunities Blog.

Serve as an Alumni Mentor to a BDP Student

The BDPs launched a new Alumni Mentor Program in the fall of 2017. If you would like to serve as a mentor to a BDP student, please indicate your interest by completing the alumni engagement survey.

Participate in Networking Events with BDP Students and Alumni

Together with the BDP Alumni Advisory Council, the BDP office is planning opportunities for current BDP students to engage with BDP alumni, and for BDP alumni to engage with one another. Please let us know if you are interested in participating in networking events by completing the alumni engagement survey.

Make a Financial Contribution

We welcome your financial support for BDP programming. Click here to make a gift.

If you have other ideas for how you would like to stay involved with the BDPs, we would love to hear them. Please email us.