Peer Mentor Position Description

The FIG peer mentor position offers exceptional students the opportunity to be both leaders on campus and mentors to new students participating in the FIG program. Mentors are committed to helping their FIG students adjust to life at UT.

In addition to leading a weekly seminar, mentors organize study groups with their FIG students, plan dinners and Austin area outings, and participate in campus events. The time spent mentoring and preparing for seminar varies but usually averages around three to four hours per week.

Mentors will

  • Work with a staff facilitator to plan their FIG seminar
  • Interact with students outside of seminar time
  • Assist FIG students in making the transition from being a high school learner to a university learner


  • Applicants must be undergraduate students with a desire to help new Longhorns.
  • Applicants must provide evidence of United States employability.
  • Mentors must be able to effectively communicate with FIG students, faculty, staff, and the FIG program coordinator.
  • Candidates should be comfortable with public speaking, effective in time management, organized, self-disciplined, and able to relate to people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Mentors must be in good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 2.50.

Mentor Development Course Requirement

All new and returning FIG mentors are required to enroll in UGS 104 or UGS 104R during the spring term. UGS 104 (new mentors) meets once a week for two hours. UGS 104R (returning mentors) will meet for one hour once a week for part of the spring term. Some mentors will also be required to attend college specific meetings as a part of training. Students must demonstrate their knowledge of the topics presented in the course before mentoring in the fall term.