Essential Element: Writing

Signature Courses introduce students to college-level writing and thinking. Writing overlaps with other Signature Course goals, giving students an arena for grappling with interdisciplinary concepts, and allowing them to practice critical thinking and inquiry skills.

All UGS 302 courses carry the Writing Flag, and must meet the requirements for the flag

Whether you teach a UGS 302 seminar or a larger UGS 303 lecture, your class should give students an opportunity to

  • Write throughout the semester, responding to both short, informal writing prompts, and longer, more formal assignments.
  • Revise in response to feedback. Writing is a process that involves planning, drafting, and revising. Create assignments that allow students to return to their writing and revise it after receiving feedback from an instructor or TA.
  • Read, discuss, and comment on their peers’ work.

The Writing Flag Instructor Resources Canvas page contains information that will help you integrate writing into your Signature Course, including sections on grading, designing assignments, preventing plagiarism, giving revision-oriented feedback, improving mechanics, and utilizing peer review. The Writing Flag Coordinator, George Schorn, is also available to meet in person or by phone or Zoom to consult on writing issues in your Signature Course. You can reach Dr. Schorn at, or (512) 232-1421.