Vice Provost for Academic, Curricular and Career Innovation Juan Dominguez

Dr. Juan Dominguez is the Vice Provost for Academic and Curricular Innovation. In addition to his role as vice provost, he is an award-winning professor of psychology, pharmacology, and neuroscience and a widely published and highly cited research scientist.

Dr. Dominguez’s scientific accomplishments are evidenced in over 50 publications, numerous research grants, including those from the National Institutes of Health, and several awards related to his research on the brain’s regulation of motivated behaviors and associated disorders, such as addiction. His love of science carries over into his love of teaching, which has been recognized by several teaching awards, including the Ann Repp Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Texas 10 Award distinction of “most inspiring professor,” and, more recently, the President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Award.

Prior to his appointment as vice provost, Dr. Dominguez held several leadership positions. He served as director of the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) in the psychology department. He also served as faculty advisor and director of the undergraduate, and, subsequently, graduate programs in the psychology department. In addition, from 2012–2014, he was chair of the Behavioral Neuroscience Program. In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, he chaired a task force on “Traditional Graduate Programs in a Covid-19 Environment.” This task force tackled, among several issues, matters related to curriculum management for graduate training in the face of a pandemic when returning to campus. On the national stage, Dr. Dominguez has served on several grant-review panels for the National Science Foundation and served and chaired grant-review panels for the National Institutes of Health. He has been elected to and serves in the Executive Council of the American Psychological Association. Until recently, he also chaired a committee on research ethics for the American Psychological Association.

In his capacity as vice provost, Dr. Dominguez aims towards the development of innovative strategies to enhance the quality and impact of education at UT. This includes working with various stakeholders to promote innovative approaches to undergraduate curricula and enhancing interdisciplinary studies and undergraduate research. He aims to work collaboratively with faculty, staff, and students across the University to promote a culture of academic excellence, innovation, and engagement in undergraduate education and success. Dr. Dominguez’s portfolio in the Undergraduate College includes Assessment and Professional Development, Bridging Disciplines Program, Core Curriculum, Curriculum Management, First Year and Transfer Year Experience, Launchpad Program, Office of Undergraduate Research, Signature Course Program, and Skills and Experience Flags.