2022 Winners and Presenters

Poster Presentation Awards

First Place ($2000)
Kazuma Hirota, Esther Jin, Heeyong Huh, Andrew Repetski, Nanshu Lu
Robust, Compact Forehead EEG with E-Tattoo Electrodes

Second Place ($1000)
Amaka Epoh, Mo Maniruzzaman, PhD, SRPharmS, MAS
Future of 3D Printing in Personalized Medicine: A Cross-Sectional Study of Additive Manufacturing in Independent Compounding Pharmacies

Third Place ($500)
Ngoc Mai Tran, Evdokia Nikolova, David Kulpanowski, Joshua Ong, Yangxinyu Xie
Predicting Covid-19 EMS Incidents from Daily Hospitalization Trends

Audience Award ($1000)
Kazuma Hirota, Esther Jin, Heeyong Huh, Andrew Repetski, Nanshu Lu
Robust, Compact Forehead EEG with E-Tattoo Electrodes

Poster Design Award ($500)
Elena Koung
Boba Tea as a Case Study of Glocalization: Is Boba Tea the New “Third Place” for UT Campus?

Honorable Mention, Poster Presentation:
Nathaniel Markusic, Berkin Dortdivanlioglu
Forward and Inverse Modeling of 3D Printed, Shape-Shifting Droplet Networks

Brianna Garza
Self-Concept Levels Among Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students

Sriranjani Darbha, Eashwar Mahadevan, Dr. Sudarshan Rajagopal
G-Protein Coupled Receptors Complexing with Specific Gα Proteins and β-arrestins

Reagan Fuller
Exploring the Child Find Referral Process in Texas

Sun Chong, Dr. Marcella Maxwell, Dr. Jessica Tauber, Sarah Bingle, Danielle Thompson, Maegan O’Herin, Mae Langston, Suyoung Kim
Assessing Resiliency in Families with Children that have Chronic Medical Conditions During COVID-19

Antara Gupta, Nnamdi Dike D.O.,
The Importance of Routine Colonoscopies: Ischemic Stroke Induced by Diverticulitis and Streptococcus bovis Septicemia, A Case Report

Ross Trivisonno
Progressivism En Vogue? An Analysis of Electoral Support for House Co-sponsors of H.R. 1384 (Medicare for All Act of 2019)

Breeana Corona, Kelly Housley, Amanda Rogers
Learning Outside the Box: Exploring the Use of Arts Integration

Amana Ahmad, Hanna Johnson, Chae Sung
Decolonizing Art History

Dennis Fer, Nirmalay Barua, Dr. Tanya Hutter
BTEX Detection in a Porous Silica Sensor

Shalom Akinwunmi
Integration of Perinatal Periods of Risk Analysis in Maternal Mortality Review Committees to Address Disparate Black Maternal Mortality Rates in Mississippi

Mark Viloria Jr. and Hüseyin Tanriverdi
Digital Technology Design and Social Inequality

Keily Mancia, Peyton Donovan, Katherine Winters, ABD, CCC-SLP, Enjoli Richardson, MS, CCC-SLP, Courtney Byrd, PhD, CCC-SLP
Parent perceptions of communication attitude in childhood stuttering: A preliminary investigation

Honorable Mention, Posert Design:
Nathaniel Markusic, Berkin Dortdivanlioglu
Forward and Inverse Modeling of 3D Printed, Shape-Shifting Droplet Networks

Vani Shah, Gabriel Rodriguez-Rivera, Kathleen Leyendecker and Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez
Accelerated Degradation of PEG-based Hydrogels

Shilpa Rumalla, Margot Gautier, Nathan Abell, Sravan Kumar, Helene Ipas, Blerta Xhemalce
Deciphering PIWIL3’s RNA-Interaction Partners and Functions during Uncontrolled Cancer Cell Growth

Sarah Pike
Fly by Night Women’s Press: Printing the Revolution

Kazuma Hirota, Esther Jin, Heeyong Huh, Andrew Repetski, Nanshu Lu
Robust, Compact Forehead EEG with E-Tattoo Electrodes

Mithila Harirama, Amulya Cherian, Anjali Raghavan, Maria Ghaly, Nico Osier
Increasing Access to Undergraduate Student Research Through the Usage of Public Data Sources

Elvi Casia
Maker Education and STEM Field Resilience for K-5 Low-Income Girls

Neerul Gupta, Zachary Bretton-Granatoor, Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock
Intrusive Emotional Thinking in Working Memory

Frankie Pitts, Alisse Guerra, Kassandra Caracheo
Dismantling Systemic Racism Through Art Education

Dennis Fer, Nirmalay Barua, Dr. Tanya Hutter
BTEX Detection in a Porous Silica Sensor

Mark Viloria Jr. and Hüseyin Tanriverdi
Digital Technology Design and Social Inequality

Grant Scherer
Independent Redistricting Commissions and Their Effects on Congressional Gerrymandering

Riley McKinzie
Pretty Privilege: The Role of Neoliberal Reform on Korean Skincare Advertisements

Ngoc Mai Tran, Evdokia Nikolova, David Kulpanowski, Joshua Ong, Yangxinyu Xie
Predicting Covid-19 EMS Incidents from Daily Hospitalization Trends

Session A (9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.)

A01 – Abdulbari Agboola
A Motivating, Engaging Interface for Upper-Limb Therapy in Pediatric TBI

A02 – Christian Douglas
Social Welfare and Equity Evaluation of Roadway Toll Pricing Techniques

A03 – Enrique Velasquez Morquecho, Dr. Wei Li
Anti-corrosion application of monolayer graphene on copper electrodes in an electrolyzer

A04 – Nathaniel Markusic, Berkin Dortdivanlioglu
Forward and Inverse Modeling of 3D Printed, Shape-Shifting Droplet Networks

A06 – Talia Delambre
Analyzing Impacts of Engineered Alignment and Energy Substrate on hiPSC-CMs Metabolism

A07 – Vani Shah, Gabriel Rodriguez-Rivera, Kathleen Leyendecker and Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez
Accelerated Degradation of PEG-based Hydrogels

A08 – Aidan Smith, Hiba Ansari, Diksha Rath, Celeste Gonzalez, Shubhi Nanda, Nico Osier
Identifying and Solving Organizational Problems Using Student Innovation

A09 – Albert Son
Transcription Factor Gata3 Promotes Primitive Endoderm Differentiation During Embryonic Development

A10 – Daniel Naves
Sharp threshold for exact community reconstruction in the planted bisection model

A12 – Faiza Quadri, Amira Haque, Nico Osier
Creating a Novel System to Measure Membership Over Time in an Undergraduate Lab

A13 – Harrison Mark
Morphological Effects of Indian Hedgehog Signaling in the Mouse Uterus

A14 – Jonathan D. K. Tebo, Gregorio Ponti, John T. Markert
Progress on Heat Capacity Measurements Using Pneumatically-Driven Closed-Cycle Cryocooler

A15 – Will Pajak
Light-induced atomic desorption in glass vapor cells

A16 – Niku Tabatabai, Hiba Ansari, Sofia Shabbir, Alexander Shah, Dr. Nico Osier
Utilizing Slack as a Communication Tool in Undergraduate Clinical Research

A18 – Rohan Patil, Elicenda Tovar, Nico Osier
Multi-Faceted Recruitment Strategy For Targeted Recruitment of Undergraduates into clinical research laboratories

A19 – Shilpa Rumalla, Margot Gautier, Nathan Abell, Sravan Kumar, Helene Ipas, Blerta Xhemalce
Deciphering PIWIL3’s RNA-Interaction Partners and Functions during Uncontrolled Cancer Cell Growth

A20 – Sanika Jossy
Exploring Inhibitory Effects of ND-646 on Fatty Acid Synthesis in Prostate Cancer Cells

A21 – Heather Dial, Lokesh Pugalenthi, Nike Gnanateja, Rachel Tessmer, Maya Henry, Jessy Li
Developing a non-speaking aphasia assessment by modelling EEG data as a function of linguistic features

A22 – Nico Osier; Dongsub Jeoung; Kanoa Kelly; Njeri Kanyongo
A Novel System for Training Research Volunteers in Cultural Competency

A23 – Elicenda Tovar, Nico Osier
Streamlining the Process of Conducting and Writing Systematic Literature

A24 – Antara Gupta, Nnamdi Dike D.O.,
The Importance of Routine Colonoscopies: Ischemic Stroke Induced by Diverticulitis and Streptococcus bovis Septicemia, A Case Report

A25 – Oishika Das, Isha Mondol, Dr. Rongze Olivia Lu, Dr. Winson Ho
Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A) Inhibition Enhances Brain Tumor Immunogenicity

A26 – Zohair Ahmed
Alcohol: The Brain’s Enemy, or Ally?

A27 – Brianna Garza
Self-Concept Levels Among Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students

A28 – Kathy Richards (PhD, RN, FAAN, FAASM), Kavita Radhakrishnan (PhD, RN, MSEE, FAAN), Katherine Carroll Britt (MSN-IQS, RN), Andrea Vanags-Louredo (BSA), Eunice Park, Nalaka S Gooneratne (MD, DABSM), Liam Fry (MD, CMD, FACP)
Please Don’t Forget Us: A Descriptive Qualitative Study of Caregivers of Older Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease Related Dementia during the Pandemic

A30 – Neha Dronamraju
Hopes of family caregivers of persons with dementia

A31 – Reagan Fuller
Exploring the Child Find Referral Process in Texas

A32 – Alexander Alquiza
Integration of the Primary Care and Public Health Systems in the United States to Improve Population Health

A33 – Ansh A. Samdaria
American Education: Killer of Tradition

A34 – Candice Ma, Jenny Nissel, and Jacqueline Woolley
Predicting Children’s Belief in Scientific Myths

A36 – Daniel O’Cleirigh
Campaigns of Promise: Examining President Obama’s Campaign Agenda Versus Administration’s Agenda

A37 – Grace Jumonville, Dr. David Schnyer, Dr. Kimberly Ray
Emotion and Attention Control Effects in Depression

A38 – Sun Chong, Dr. Marcella Maxwell, Dr. Jessica Tauber, Sarah Bingle, Danielle Thompson, Maegan O’Herin, Mae Langston, Suyoung Kim
Assessing Resiliency in Families with Children that have Chronic Medical Conditions During COVID-19

A39 – Julian Montalvo III
Immigration Policy Restrictiveness: Does Public Opinion Matter?

A40 – Leticia Murga, Shannon Reilly, Hyo-Mi Pak, Suyoung Kim, Maegan O’Herin, Sam Goland, Audrey Cortesi, Marcella Maxwell.
Disparities in Access to Behavioral Health Care: Patient Language and Follow-Up Visit

A41 – Mary Langston, Marcella Maxwell, MA, LMFT, LPC, Dr. Caroline Carberry, Hyo-Mi Pak, and Suyoung Kim
Telehealth and Socioeconomic Status in the COVID-19 Pandemic

A43 – Sarah Hutchison
Climate Disaster Hotspots and the Legislative Response

A44 – Stephanie Nieto
Seniority’s Impact on a Representative’s Policy Breadth: A Look at the 113th Congress

A45 – Shannon Reilly, Audrey Cortesi, PsyD, Leticia Murga, Maegan O’Herin, BA, Hyo-Mi Pak, BA, Suyoung Kim, Lindsey Elliott, PhD, Marcella Maxwell, MA, LMFT
Disparities in Length of Initial Behavioral Health Consultation Times for Linguistic Minorities

A47 – Zachary Dollar
Congressional Attention and Climate Change: Do natural disasters focus congressional attention?

A48 – Sarah Syamken
Cross-Linguistic Influence and Creative Morphology in Responses and Reflections of L3 Brazilian Portuguese

A49 – Alexander Tsioutsias
Sensitivity of the Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund to Public Opinion

A50 – Anna Lucia Alvarez
How Well Being Relates to Politics: Measuring the Happiness Index and its Correlation to Public Policy

A51 – Audra Renee Garcia
Police Brutality: A Shared Importance for Congress?

A52 – Brooke Jones
Public Safety or Public Debt? Municipal Debt and Fines and Fees

A53 – Courtney Brumley
Evaluating Congressional Influence on Recidivism in the United States Criminal Justice System

A54 – Grace Blumenfeld
The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on State-Level Medical Debt Incurred During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A55 – Julio Salinas
Preventing the Broken Arrow: The Effect of Congressional Appropriations Toward Nuclear Weapons Accidents

A56 – Kristen McDermott
Does Majority Status Influence Party Policy Attention?

A57 – Lauren Abel
Political Gridlock: Effects of the Media on Immigration Policy

A58 – Nicholas Galindo
The Effects of Ranked-Choice-Voting to Voter Turnout in the United States

A59 – Sreya Gandra
Impact of Congressional Support for Abortion on Women’s Health Legislation

A60 – Tommy Liu
How to fix U.S. Healthcare: The Underlying Traits that Move Healthcare Legislation

A61 – Sarah Pike
Fly by Night Women’s Press: Printing the Revolution

A62 – Sai Annem
Suśruta-Saṃhitā: Society, Ethos, and the Identity of a Surgeon in Ancient India

Session B (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)

B01 – Jonathan Dang, Azzurra Demarie, Jalen Gomez, Hari Jayakumar, Alejandro Rincon
Caelus: Mission to the Planet Uranus

B02 – Arturo Hernandez
Effects of Surface Topography on Acoustic Detection of Selective Laser Flash Sintering in Ceramics

B03 – Anastacia De Gorostiza and Brian Korgel
CsPbI3 Nanocrystal Nucleation and Growth Kinetics

B04 – Benjamin Braun
Improving the Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells

B05 – Gina Kowal, Tse-Ang Lee, Rueben Gonzales, Tanya Hutter
Real-time in situ study of adsorption kinetics in PMMA thin films using infrared spectroscopy

B06 – Harsha Rajesh, Drue Hood-McFadden, Thomas C. Underwood
Separation of Rare Earth Elements using an Electromagnetic Centrifuge

B09 – Jeremy Boyle, Nitin Premkumar, Tanya Hutter
Development of Strain Monitoring Tools for Batteries

B10 – Kazuma Hirota, Esther Jin, Heeyong Huh, Andrew Repetski, Nanshu Lu
Robust, Compact Forehead EEG with E-Tattoo Electrodes

B11 – Siddharth Thakur, Krishnan Ram
FireBot – The world’s first high-temperature resistant unmanned search and rescue robot for firefighters

B12 – Sara Barrens, Michaela LaPatin, Kyudong Kim, Christina Poleacovschi, Kate Padgett-Walsh, Scott Grant-Feinstein, Cassandra Rutherford, Luan Nguyen, Kasey Faust
Evaluating Engineering Students’ Moral Sensitivity in a Natural Disaster Context

B13 – Van T. Vo
A Simplified Contralaterally Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Rehabilitation

B14 – Arya Gajwani, Elicenda Tovar, Dr. Nico Osier
An Original Methodology To Increasing Undergraduate Involvement in Scientific Writing

B15 – Cory W. Kittleman, Geoffrey A. Dilly M.S., Dayne Mayfield Ph.D., Robert O. Messing M.D
FGFR1 is a marker of PKC-delta neurons in the CeA showing differential gene expression during alcohol withdrawal

B16 – Elicenda Tovar, Diksha Rath
Salivary Biomarkers as Indicators of TBI Diagnosis and Prognosis: A Systematic Review

B17 – Ian Padhye, Umar Burney, Richard Xiang, Aminur Rashid-Chowdhury, Tanya Hutter
Identifying apple cultivar with EIS

B18 – Jonathan Rupert, Zachary G. Maas, and Keith Hawkins
Extreme Phosphorus Rich Stars

B19 – Maria Ghaly, Anjali Raghavan, Zuena Karim, Ahmed Rehman, Mansi Diwanji, Mithila Harirama, Nico Osier
Promoting Equity and Inclusion in STEM: Diversifying Research Team and Participant Recruitment Through Community and Institution-Based Comparative Demographic Analyses

B20 – Madhav Singh
Role of voltage-gated sodium channels in intrinsic plasticity during development in a brain circuit for sound localization

B21 – Yoonseo Choi
The Impact of HSPs on Texas Grapevines Survival

B22 – Arnav Mohanty
The Effects of Alternative Therapies on Holistic Patient Health

B23 – Emerson Nairon
Characterizing Neuroimmune Responses in Post-Operative Spinal Surgery Patients: A Prospective Study on Aging, Delirium, and Pain

B24 – Lokesh Pugalenthi, Jensen Richardson, Wenxuan Jiang, Harish Srinivasan, Himanshu Reddy, Christopher Kuhlman, Jafrin Pritha, Rahul Nanduri, Raymond Hong, Rohit K. Prasad, Dhivya Arasappan, Jeanne Kowalski-Muegge
Characterizing Multiple Myeloma Cell Lines

B25 – Marco Antonio Quiroz
Impacts of Medical Racism in African American Cardiology

B26 – Mithila Harirama, Amulya Cherian, Anjali Raghavan, Maria Ghaly, Nico Osier
Increasing Access to Undergraduate Student Research Through the Usage of Public Data Sources

B27 – Sefia Khan, Zayn Cochinwala, Nico Osier
The Role of Epigenetics on Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

B28 – Alyssa Gonzales
The Decision Makers’ Future: A Study of Sibling Caregivers of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDDs)

B29 – Felipe Gonzalez Gutierrez
Assessing the Impact of Housing First Program Characteristics on Health Outcomes Based on Resident Perspectives

B30 – Asha Gomez
Using Identity-based Instruction in Secondary STEM Classrooms

B31 – Elvi Casia
Maker Education and STEM Field Resilience for K-5 Low-Income Girls

B32 – Elicenda Tovar, Jaque Vasquez, Liliana Martinez, Kristin Escamilla
Health Sciences Yearlong Academy – Engaging Students Through a Virtual Project-Based Learning Model During a Pandemic

B34 – Bryan Berry
Antiracism in the English Premier League

B35 – Dalia Vazquez, Paul C. Adams
Latino Intergenerational Communication regarding Climate Change

B36 – Ezequiel A. Lozano
Implications of Physician Membership on the United States Congress: A 14-Year Review

B37 – Harsh Madaik
Analyzing the Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Hospice and Palliative Care Access and Quality in the United States

B38 – Jack Maedgen
Off-the-Agenda: Factors Influencing the Agenda Setting Abilities of Members of Congress

B39 – Rebecka K. Hahnel-Peeters, Juo-Lin Tsai, Cari D. Goetz, & Aaron T. Goetz
Men’s Attitudes Toward Third Party Casual Sex Predict Rape Myth Acceptance

B41 – Neerul Gupta, Zachary Bretton-Granatoor, Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock
Intrusive Emotional Thinking in Working Memory

B42 – Rohin Balkundi
Determining the Relationship between Chinese Development Aid and Terms of Trade

B43 – Robert Resendez
The Drowning Child Case: Empathy and Prosocial Behavior

B44 – Tiaira Conley
Black Women and Professionalism

B45 – Vanessa Carolina Crespo Bolivar
Post-ratification and State Behavior in Human Rights

B46 – Ross Trivisonno
Progressivism En Vogue? An Analysis of Electoral Support for House Co-sponsors of H.R. 1384 (Medicare for All Act of 2019)

B47 – Taylor Kennedy
Congressional Attention Towards Homeless Populations in the 21st Century

B48 – Anthony Paultanis
Algerian Ambassador Cherif Guellal: The Challenges of Non-Alignment in Washington D.C. (1963-1967)

B50 – Elena Koung
Boba Tea as a Case Study of Glocalization: Is Boba Tea the New “Third Place” for UT Campus?

B51 – Lira Amari Ramírez
Teaching National Identity in Mexico City’s 1910-1920 Primary Schools

B52 – Miranda Hynes
Historical Narratives and Cultural Resilience: Native Americans in Early Colonial Texas

B54 – Payton Bellman
The Impact of Foreign Aid on Violence in Honduras

B56 – Frankie Pitts, Alisse Guerra, Kassandra Caracheo
Dismantling Systemic Racism Through Art Education

B57 – Hannah Robinson, Mandy Phillips, Sasha Azar
Stretch the Budget for Art Education

B58 – Jasmine Mendez, Janelle Mendoza, and Sarah Ngo
The Changing Relationship Between Students and Art

B59 – Breeana Corona, Kelly Housley, Amanda Rogers
Learning Outside the Box: Exploring the Use of Arts Integration

B60 – Amana Ahmad, Hanna Johnson, Chae Sung
Decolonizing Art History

B61 – Shea Braumuller, Aidan Page, Madeline Picket
Critique in Secondary Art Education

B62 – Madhurima Narendran
Developing Creativity in Dancers: Strategies for Practice

Session C (1-2:30 p.m.)

C01 – Britney Fang
Differential Impact of Scale-Dependent Roughness on Lubricant Infused Surfaces

C02 – Dennis Fer, Nirmalay Barua, Dr. Tanya Hutter
BTEX Detection in a Porous Silica Sensor

C03 – Daniel Moran, Makenna Hayes, Michael Cullinan
NanoStim: Electrode Sensitivity Testing for Wearable Stimulation

C04 – Hannah Lee, Jared Culpepper, MSEE, and Dr. Emily Porter
Stroke-type Differentiation and Localization with Impedance Measurements

C05 – Jessie Peng, Tse-ang Lee, Rueben Gonzales and Tanya Hutter
Optimizing pathlength for ethanol detection in aqueous solutions

C06 – Kasun Raigama
Improving ion transport in thick electrodes for high-performance batteries

C07 – Nova Helen Khan, Yen-Tung Liu, Krista M. Nicklaus, Karen Bravo, Chi Liu, Greg Reece, and Mia K. Markey
The Qualitative Analysis of the Comfortability of Bras Worn After Mastectomy and Reconstructive Surgery

C09 – Rithvik Ramesh, Dr. Seth Bank
Enhancing Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity through the Bandgap Engineering of Asymmetric Coupled Quantum Wells

C10 – Ziwen Yan
Mechanical Deformation of an Epoxy

C11 – Nethra Venkatayogi, Ozdemir Can Kara, Naruhiko Ikoma, and Farshid Alambeigi
A Reliable and Sensitive Framework for Simultaneous Type and Stage Detection of Colorectal Cancer Polyps

C12 – Nethra Venkatayogi, John Uecker, Aaron Laviana, Alexander Cohen, Chris Idelson, Farshid Alambeigi
Compromised Robotic Surgical Visualization: Archaic Issues in a Modern Operating Room

C13 – Asha Ayyar, Hriman Shah, Dr. Josh Beckham (RE)
Virtual Screening of Possible Novel Inhibitors of Acetyl-CoA Synthetase 2 from Candida albicans, an opportunistic pathogen in humans

C14 – Wei Rao, Ashley Hoffman, Omar Ibrahim, Audrey-Ann Liew, Matthew Vincent, Christopher P. Crum, Clifford C. Stephan, Pete Davies, Horiana Grosu, Mark L. Metersky, Frank McKeon, and Wa Xian
Cloning and Targeting Cancer Stem Cells in Malignant Pleural Effusion

C15 – Ishaan Manohar
Undergraduate Mental Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era

C16 – Ridah Siddiqui
Role of GATA3-AS1 Modulation on T cell Immunity in Breast Cancer Disparity between Individuals of African versus Eur-Asian Decent

C17 – Lalitha Kaligotla, Nadia Khalil, Principal Investigator: Dr. Andrew Ellington, Research Educator: Dr. Gwendolyn Stovall
Improving the Accessibility of Aptamer Research to Diversify Applications

C18 – Shreyaa Hari, Josh Beckham (RE)
Discovery of Novel Inhibitory Biomolecules of Methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase in Mycoplasma pneumonia Using Virtual Screening

C19 – Wenxuan Zhou, Amelia Baumhart Leveille, Lokesh Pugalenthi, Dhivya Arasappan
Tracking Spread of COVID Variants Across Texas Using Animations

C20 – Amaka Epoh, Mo Maniruzzaman, PhD, SRPharmS, MAS
Future of 3D Printing in Personalized Medicine: A Cross-Sectional Study of Additive Manufacturing in Independent Compounding Pharmacies

C21 – Ayush G Iyer, Dann Rivera, Yeong-Chan Ahn, and Walter Fast
Discovery of 1-chloroisoquinoline as a novel inhibitor of New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamase

C22 – Reha Kakkar, Kevin Sanchez, Sienna L. Wu, Jeffrey S. Darling, Laura K. Fonken
Estrogen Loss Sensitizes Hippocampal Microglia, Resulting in a Potentiated Neuroinflammatory Response

C23 – Andrew McDonald, Timothy Lowe, Lisa Griffin
Effects of Hamstring Vibration on Limb Loading Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

C24 – Amelia Mercado
Achieving Racial and Ethnic Representation in Clinical Drug Trials: Importance, Barriers, and Strategies

C26 – Emma Aldred
Treating Spiritual Distress in Terminally Ill Patients

C27 – Joon Kim
4D Printed Dual Stimuli Responsive Drug Eluting Biodegradable Stent for Coronary Artery Disease

C28 – Niku Tabatabai
Wellness Care for Sexual Violence Survivors: The Role of Physicians and Social Workers

C29 – Ria Goyal, Milad Soleimani, S. Gail Eckhardt, Carla Van Den Berg
Studying the Role of TFEB in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells

C30 – Shalom Akinwunmi
Integration of Perinatal Periods of Risk Analysis in Maternal Mortality Review Committees to Address Disparate Black Maternal Mortality Rates in Mississippi

C31 – Shreya Tamma
Monte Carlo and Phantom Models to Study Light Interrogation of Neck Vasculature

C32 – Jonathon Briones
Inequity in Secondary School Calculus Course Placement

C33 – Mark Viloria Jr. and Hüseyin Tanriverdi
Digital Technology Design and Social Inequality

C34 – Pranav Venkatesh, Akaash Kolluri, Nikhil Kolluri, Dr. Dhiraj Murthy
Using Network Analysis to Characterize Racist Parler Users

C35 – Aviery Boone, Lewis Leone, and Jasper Smits Ph.D
Presence in Virtual Reality and its Effects on Pain Levels

C36 – Bryan Burman
Mental Health Consequences of Immigration

C37 – Gavin Loyd
Economic Sanctions: Effect on the Lethality of Terrorism

C38 – Grant Scherer
Independent Redistricting Commissions and Their Effects on Congressional Gerrymandering

C39 – Haden Lemons
The Evolutionary Expansion of Executive Orders

C40 – Iris Reyes
Zoning, Transit, and Race

C41 – Keily Mancia, Peyton Donovan, Katherine Winters, ABD, CCC-SLP, Enjoli Richardson, MS, CCC-SLP, Courtney Byrd, PhD, CCC-SLP
Parent perceptions of communication attitude in childhood stuttering: A preliminary investigation

C42 – McKinzie, Riley
Pretty Privilege: The Role of Neoliberal Reform on Korean Skincare Advertisements

C45 – Cecilia B. Garcia
Pathway to Success: Gender Biases in the U.S House of Representatives

C46 – Cole Alley
Talking Prosperity: The Sustainable Development Goals in Congress

C47 – Grayson Briggs
Democracy in Depth: Discovering the Relationship Between Policy Breadth and Democratization

C48 – Grace Kendrick
Examining the Relationship Between Abortion Legalization and Crime Rates

C49 – Aloysie Kwizera
Gossip Girls, Working Moms, and Dads Who Grill: Gender Role Attitudes Among East African Immigrants in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro Area

C50 – Aneesh Thallapureddy
Mortality Rates Between Private and Public Prisons in Texas

C51 – Lindia Tjuatja, John Beavers
*This poster does not present easily: A corpus study of verb class constraints in the English middle voice

C52 – Neha Donthineni
Rising From the Flames: The Abolition of Sati

C53 – Neha Donthineni
Lost In Translation: La mala hora to Minority Language Suppression

C54 – Annabelle Grace Vincent, Dr. Josh T. Beckham
High-Performance Computational Molecular Docking for Potential Inhibitors of Essential Enzyme GmhA of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the Causative Agent of Melioidosis, an Understudied and Neglected Disease

C55 – Michael Pitonak
Effects of Host/Graft Sex Mismatch on Survival and Integration of Neural Progenitor Cell Transplants for Spinal Cord Injury

C56 – John Erard
The Topography of Colonial Resettlement: Building a Historical GIS of Movement for Spanish Peru

C57 – Michael Lee
The First Year Eats Program: Improvements in Academics for Participants?

C58 – Nitya Kopparapu, Yu Shi, Daniel J Dickinson
Differentiation Controls Localisation of Polarity Proteins in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

C59 – Valeri Cangelosi
The Coloniality of Cosmetics: Resistances to Colonial Determinations of Gender

C61 – Maggie Martin
The Whole as the Part: An Analysis on the Arrangement of Permanent Supportive Housing Neighborhoods

C62 – Sriranjani Darbha, Eashwar Mahadevan, Dr. Sudarshan Rajagopal
G-Protein Coupled Receptors Complexing with Specific Gα Proteins and β-arrestins

C63 – Natalie Coleman
Human Activity and Mobility Data Reveal Disparities in Exposure Risk Reduction Indicators of Socially Vulnerable Populations

C64 – Ngoc Mai Tran, Evdokia Nikolova, David Kulpanowski, Joshua Ong, Yangxinyu Xie
Predicting Covid-19 EMS Incidents from Daily Hospitalization Trends

C65 – Cora Garcia
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) macronutrient regulation: Nurse bee nutritional preferences for proteins and lipids

C66 – Emily Curtis
Portrayals of Genetic Discrimination in the Fantasy Genre

C67 – Javier Lopez
State of the Union & Royal Speeches: How do International actions affect domestic policy?