Find an Undergraduate Researcher

Are you interested in finding an undergraduate student to assist on a research project? The Bridging Disciplines Programs (BDPs) and the Undergraduate College can help you find undergraduate researchers.

Advertise a position to BDP students only

Contact Larissa Noake about advertising your project to BDP students. Please note that in order for a research experience to count toward a BDP student’s Connecting Experience requirements, the experience must be relevant to the student’s BDP focus, and the student will have to submit a Connecting Experience contract no later than the second day of the fall or spring semester, or the last day of spring finals (for a summer Connecting Experience).

To advertise your project, please include the following

  • Your name, department, and contact information
  • A brief description of your research project
  • A brief description of the responsibilities the student will have assisting on your project
  • Which semester(s) you would like the student to be available
  • A list of any special qualifications or restrictions on who should apply for the position
  • Instructions for how to apply (e.g. what materials you want from students, how do you want to be contacted, and by what deadline)

Advertise a position to all UT undergraduates

EUREKA is an online resource for undergraduate researchers. Any faculty member can post a research project, which will then become available to students through a searchable database.