Digital Arts & Media

Information technology for creative production has brought about significant changes in how we create — and just as importantly, how we consume — art and media. The presence of advanced computer technologies in nearly every aspect of the entertainment sector and commercial media production points to the need for knowledge and skills in both the arts and the sciences.

The Digital Arts & Media BDP is designed to guide students toward careers in this dynamic field by providing a unique mix of courses from fine arts, radio-television-film, computer sciences, humanities, and engineering. The BDP provides a framework for students to explore and create work that pushes the boundaries of traditional disciplines and media. The foundation courses provide the conceptual scaffolding for exploring new media and developing new skills, while the strand courses allow students to pursue individual interests in games and entertainment, image and film, mixed media, music and audio, or other areas.

For a complete list of courses and requirements, view the Digital Arts and Media BDP curriculum sheet.

Students in Digital Arts & Media may earn their certificates with an emphasis in game development. Students who want to receive this recognition must apply and be admitted to one of the Game Development Capstone courses (C S 354S, 354T, or cross-listed sections in other departments), and either propose the course to count for their Creative Project or use the course to fulfill a strand course requirement. The emphasis will be recognized on students’ paper BDP certificates and may be listed on their resumes. Contact a BDP advisor for more information.


With 19 credit hours of coursework and Connecting Experiences, students may earn a BDP certificate in Digital Arts and Media.

Courses counting toward a BDP in Digital Arts and Media may also satisfy core, major, and elective requirements in a student’s degree plan. With planning, the BDP should not add time to students’ UT careers, but instead helps students choose the courses they already have to take in an integrated way.

Foundation Courses [10 hours]

  • Forum Seminar
  • Concepts and Techniques Course
  • Foundations Course
  • Social Issues Course

Courses in a Strand [3-6 hours]

Students may focus on games and entertainment, image and film, mixed media, music and audio, or a strand of their own design. Courses may come from Communication, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, Natural Sciences, or Engineering.

Connecting Experiences [3-6 hours]

Students must complete an independent or team-based creative project course under the supervision of two faculty mentors. In addition, students have the option of completing a second research or internship Connecting Experience. For examples of Connecting Experiences Digital Arts & Media students have completed in the past, read these Connecting Experience spotlights.

Theory and Critical Creative Practice Requirement

At least one of the courses counting toward students’ foundation or strand course requirements must focus on what it means to be a critical creator and what creating looks like in digital format. These courses are designated with “-TC” on the curriculum sheet.

Integration Essay

Students write a 3-4 page essay written at the end of the BDP experience, drawing together the different pieces of the BDP.

Faculty Panel

An interdisciplinary faculty panel helps students choose courses related to Digital Arts & Media, produce creative digital projects, and identify connecting research and internship opportunities.