2020 Writing Flag Award Winners

We are grateful to Texas Scholar Works at the University of Texas Libraries for publishing our award winners in an archived, searchable public database.

Creative/Reflective Category

First Place: Brian Gyamfi, writing for Dr. Susan Somers-Willet’s CRW 355P class, “Advanced Poetry”

Like Electricity Over the Makombo Village

Second Place: Kyle Ahern, writing for Dr. D’Arcy Randall’s UGS 302 class, “Reading and Writing Contemporary American Poetry”

Excerpt from ‘Poetry Portfolio’

Third Place: Leo Pratt, writing for Dr. Rosy Mack’s E 301 class, “Gay and Lesbian Literature and Culture”

And Patroclus

Honorable Mention: Irene Ameena, writing for Prof. Matt Valentine’s T C 358 class “Writing Narratives”

Pee Pot

Honorable Mention: Audrey Bramlett, writing for Prof. Matt Valentine’s T C 358 class “Writing Narratives”


Honorable Mention: Morgan Jeitler, writing for Prof. Deb Olin Unferth’s CRW 325F Class, “Fiction Writing”

We All Fall Apart

Honorable Mention: Brittany Sanchez, writing for Dr. John Pipkin’s CRW 370H “Honors Creative Writing Project”

Dreams of Nourishment

Critical/Persuasive Category

First Place: Elyssa Sefiane writing for Dr. Julie Casey’s LAH 305 class, “Reacting to the Past”

First and Second Responses to the Assembly of Athens, 403 B.C.E.

Second Place: Abigail Thurman, writing for Dr. Carol Taxis’ N 321 class, “Ethics of Healthcare”

The Dangers of Requiring Parental Consent in Abortion Services for Adolescents

Third Place: Diana Arriaga, writing for Dr. Chad Bennett’s T C 302 class, “Nice, Quiet, Shy, Awkward”

Breaking the Chains of Niceness

Honorable Mention: Sruthi Ilangovan, writing for Dr. Arturo De Lozanne’s UGS 303 course, “Originality in the Arts and Sciences”

The Abolition of Slavery: A Myth and its Realities

Honorable Mention: Michelle Park, writing for Professor Andrea Remoquillo’s AAS 310 class, “Gendering Asian America”

Sa-I-Ro: The Space In Between

Honorable Mention: Cassandra Williams, writing for Dr. Mark Longaker’s RHE 321 class, “Principles of Rhetoric”

The Figure of the President: A Rhetorical Analysis of Zoe Leonard’s ‘I Want a President’

Honorable Mention: Emily Hirsh, writing for Prof. Ian Ferris’ RHE 309K class, “Rhetoric of Environmental Action”

A Climate Saved is a Climate Earned

Honorable Mention: Dina Barrish, writing for Dr. David Junker’s COM 307H class, “Life of the Mind”

Don’t Hit Snooze: A Review of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ ‘Between the World and Me’

Honorable Mention: Phil Clark, writing for Dr. Neil Nehring’s E 343L class, “Modernism in Literature”

Scream and Bleed: The Merit of Negation in Feminist Punk Seem Through the Claims of Lautreamont

Honorable Mention: Sofia Moore, writing for Dr. Julie Casey’s LAH 305 class, “Reacting to the Past” 

The Future of France

Honorable Mention: Treasure Ibe, writing for Dr. Patrick Walter’s UGS 303 class, “Blackness and Mass Incarceration”

In Slavery and In Freedom: The Chains That Link Policing, Black Criminalization and White Empowerment

Honorable Mention: Gabriella Cate, writing for Dr. James Garner’s E 314J class, “Literature and Film”

The Shadow of Slavery in Beloved and the Law

Honorable Mention: Andre Ferreira, writing for Dr. Adena Rivera-Dundas’ E 314L class, “The Pulitzer Prize” 

“A Round Trip through the Face of America”

Honorable Mention: Ria Goyal, writing for Dr. Carol MacKay’s E 303D class, “Plan II World Literature”

Race and Societal Influence on Relationships in Beloved, The Woman Warrior, and ‘Girl’

Research – Lab Category

First Place: Christopher Dean and Arianna Lim, writing for Dr. D’Arcy Randall’s CHE 333T class, “Engineering Communication” 

An Ethical Analysis of the MGPI Toxic Chemical Release in Atchison, Kansas 2016

Second Place: Tyler Logie, writing for Dr. Rowan Martindale’s GEO 369E class, “Evolution of Reef Ecosystems” 

Impact of Increased Terrigenous Sediment in Near-Shore Reef Systems

Third Place: Maya Vemulapalli, writing for Dr. Harold Zakon’s NEU 367V class, “Evolutionary Neurobiology”

“The Evolution of Empathy and Social Belonging”

Honorable Mention: Rajvi Shah, April Davies, and Caroline Garcia, writing for Dr. D’Arcy Randall’s CHE 333T class, “Engineering Communication”

Ethical Analysis of Soma Mining Inc.‘s Role in the Soma Coal Mine Fire, Turkey, 2014

Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Robinson, writing for Dr. Katie Bruner’s BIO 325L class, “Laboratory Experience in Genetics” 

Safety of Antisense RNA Oligonucleotides in Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis

Honorable Mention: Sarah Carpenter, writing for Dr. Michelann Quimby’s HDF 378L class, “Theories of Child and Family Development”

Early Childhood Education and Adolescent Outcomes Among Children of Differing Socioeconomic Status

Honorable Mention: Malyn Selinidis, writing for Dr. Gene McDonald’s BCH 369L class, “Biochemistry Laboratory” 

Biochemistry Laboratory Proposal: Surface Plasmon Resonance of the Coronavirus

Research – Humanities Category

First Place: Saba Rahimian, written for Professor Tracy Dahlby’s J 337F class, “Long-form Feature Writing”

Gulf Coast Vigil

Second Place: Tara Moore writing for Dr. Monique Pikus’ LAH 351C class, “African-American Families in Historical and Contemporary Context”

We Reap What You Sow: How White Constructs Reinforce the Extended Black Family

Third Place: Eamanne Moharram writing for Dr. Rebecca Rossen’s UGS 303 class, “Dancing America”

American Belly Dance: Authentic or Appropriated?

Honorable Mention: Logan Hageman, writing for Dr. Xuecheng Liu’s GOV 365F class, “Asian Regionalism and Multilateral Cooperation”

Shifting Russian Engagement with Asian Regionalism Post Crimea

Honorable Mention: Katherine Bone, writing for Dr. Julia Guernsey’s ARH 375 class, “Theory and Methods in the History of Art”

“Rapid Change and Feminine Tradition: What Led British Aristocratic Women to Create Photocollage Albums?”

Honorable Mention: Kerri Kilmer writing for Carol MacKay’s WGS 345 class, “Women’s Autobiographical Writing”

’[G]irlish Passion and Vanity’: Female Anger and Sympathy in George Eliot’s Early Novels

Honorable Mention: Jhanvi Girish writing for Dr. Shetal Vohra-Gupta’s UGS 303 class, “The Invisible 80%: Students, Policy, and Action”

Safe Childhoods and Successful Futures: Policy Analysis and Recommendations for State and Federal Legislation Surrounding the United States’ Child Welfare and Foster Services System

Honorable Mention: Kayla Wong writing for Dr. Lauren Gutterman’s UGS 302 class, “Motherhood in America”

The Power of Mothers in Advertising

Honorable Mention: Christina Huang writing for Dr. Aaron O’Connell’s UGS 302 class, “War and Violence” 

Law and Order: The Role of Policing in Black Oppression

Honorable Mention: Tucker Kolon writing for Dr. Julie Hardwick’s HIS 320W class, “Thinking Like a Historian”

William Walker: The Filibuster who Dreamed of a Slave Empire

Watch the Ceremony