Getting Started

These prestigious scholarships and fellowships are competitive and have similar expectations of applicants. These expectations include but are not limited to:

  • A strong academic record (GPA; relevant coursework)
  • Leadership and commitment to public service
  • Relevance of the proposed program to academic and career plans
  • Ambassadorial potential (for study in UK and Ireland)
  • Motivation to engage with the global challenges facing humankind
  • University endorsement (for some scholarships)

The application process is rigorous and takes time. Please use the following to help prepare a complete, competitive application.

Scholarship Exploration

  • Explore your options. Review each scholarship’s eligibility requirements and selection criteria. Confirm that you fulfill the requirements.

Graduate Programs

  • Research institutions and/or programs that align with your professional interests and goals; confirm that the institution and program of study meet the award’s requirements.
  • Review the program’s prerequisites and confirm that your academic training is appropriate for the program.

Recommendation Letters

  • Identify potential recommenders based on the requirements of the program, and your relationship with the individual(s).
  • Meet with your potential recommenders to discuss your goals and why you are interested in applying for the scholarship(s).
  • Request letters of recommendation at least six weeks before the deadline (campus or national).


  • Review required application materials (e.g. essays, letters, transcripts, resumes, etc.)
  • Order transcripts, if required. Plan enough time for processing your request.
  • Write, review, and edit your essays. Be prepared to compose multiple drafts.
  • Solicit feedback on your essays from mentors, faculty, peers, and others.
  • Request feedback on your final draft essay from the Office of Distinguished and Postgraduate Scholarships (ODPS) team at least two weeks before the deadline. The ODPS team cannot provide feedback for the Rhodes personal statement.
  • Compile application materials and submit them by the deadline. For scholarships that require university endorsement, contact the ODPS office for submission information.

If applying for a scholarship that requires university endorsement, we advise all applicants to not submit their application to the scholarship foundation prior to the completion of the UT nomination process.

For additional information and tips, visit Resources.