
The staff of the Office of Distinguished and Postgraduate Scholarships (ODPS) help students and alumni pursue postbaccalaureate scholarships or fellowships that will support their personal, academic, and professional goals. With a commitment to accessibility for all students, we:

  • Help individuals identify relevant scholarships and fellowships for postgraduate plans
  • Provide one-on-one coaching to help students and alumni prepare competitive applications
  • Manage the evaluation and selection process for scholarships that require UT endorsements
  • Administer mock interviews for scholarship finalists
  • Facilitate workshops and information sessions
  • Recruit promising students to apply for these prestigious awards

Interested students and alumni should explore scholarships that align with their professional goals and confirm that they meet eligibility requirements. In addition to the information provided on the ODPS site, please review the scholarships’ official website for further details and resources.

Once you have identified scholarships and fellowships of interest, schedule an appointment to meet with an ODPS team member to discuss your interest and the application process.