
The Office of Distinguished and Postgraduate Scholarships (ODPS) supports UT students and alumni interested in applying for prestigious national and international scholarships and fellowships. Some of these opportunities allow applicants to apply directly for the fellowship or scholarship. However, other scholarships and fellowships require an applicant to be endorsed (or nominated) by their academic institution such as the Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships. In these instances, applicants will go through the UT endorsement process.

UT students and alumni should identify scholarships that align with their academic and professional interests. Review the mission, eligibility requirements, and selection criteria of each opportunity. Applicants are strongly encouraged to share their intent and request assistance with their applications from the ODPS staff.

Why should you apply?

By applying for these prestigious awards, you will learn a lot about yourself and your areas of interest; you will become a better writer; and you will assemble a group of supporters for the next phase of your life. Not all who apply will win a scholarship, but everyone who does benefits greatly from the transformative experience.

Explore Scholarships