Peer Mentor Commitments

New FIG mentors take a weekly, two-hour training course, UGS 104, for credit in the spring term prior to the fall term in which they mentor. Returning mentors will attend required training workshops during the spring term, dates and times to be determined. During the fall term, peer mentors have a variety of commitments in conjunction with leading the FIG.

Spring Term: UGS 104 FIG Mentor Development Course

Students will be registered for their preferred section of UGS 104 by the FIG office in January after the mentor selection process is complete.

UGS 104: Available Days and Times

Choose one lecture and discussion time to attend.

UGS 104 Available Days and Times
Monday 1-3 p.m.
Monday 3-5 p.m.
Tuesday 9-11 a.m.
Tuesday 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday 3-5 p.m.
Friday 1-3 p.m.

The Mentor Development Course gives future mentors the knowledge and skills necessary for helping incoming freshmen become successful college students. Students learn theories behind group development and group dynamics, as well as communication and facilitation skills. This course is offered on the pass/fail basis.

All mentors must attend a spring update meeting —date TBA.

Fall Term

Mentors must attend the August Update meeting during the first week of classes.

FIG seminars begin the first week of classes. Mentors must be available for and attend the seminar class each week during the fall term. Seminar time assignments will be made after candidate selection is complete in April.

Mentors will be in contact with their staff facilitator to plan the FIG seminar.

Mentoring involves active relationships between mentors and mentees to promote social and academic development. Mentors are encouraged to interact with their FIG students outside of the seminar. Mentors are required to complete 20 hours of mentoring outside of the FIG seminar, which should be documented and submitted to the FIG office.

Mentors will attend a mid-semester meeting in October.

Mentors will submit documentation of their experience to the FIG office at the end of the fall term.