Signature Maymesters

The First-Year Experience Office launched our inaugural Signature May Terms in May 2021. Signature May Terms are four-week, three-credit Signature Courses that take place in an international location from late May to mid-June and are led by a UT faculty director. A one-credit preparatory course is offered during the spring. Tuition for all four credits is included in the spring flat-rate tuition at no additional cost. Transfer students, traditionally underrepresented in study abroad, will have priority in registering for these unique Signature Courses.

Our Spring 2024 Signature May Term course will be:

Why Leave Home? Irish Emigration to America

  • Cork, Ireland
  • Faculty Director: Dr. Bartholomew Sparrow – Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts

Visit the 2024 May Term course page to learn more about program details, including a course description, key dates, and application instructions.