Associate Dean Lori Holleran Steiker

Dr. Lori Holleran Steiker is the Associate Dean of Student Engagement in Curriculum & Enrollment and Undergraduate Studies and holds the distinguished Steve Hicks Professorship of Addictions, Recovery and Substance Abuse Services in Social Work. She is an award-winning Distinguished Teaching Professor and Distinguished Service Professor.

Dr. Holleran Steiker is the Chair of the Signature Course Advisory Committee and students love her engaging and experiential “Young People and Drugs” Signature Course; she was just honored as The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience’s Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award. Dr. Holleran Steiker is the Associate Director of the Addiction Research Institute. An innovative leader, she spearheaded Central Texas’ first recovery high school, the UT Opioid Response Consortium, the Center for Students in Recovery’s dissemination to all UT campuses, and the UT SHIFT initiative to change the culture of campus substance use towards wellness. She was recently appointed to the Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council helping to orchestrate and disseminate the funds to end the Opioid Epidemic.