Dear BDP students, alumni, faculty, and supporters,
When the Bridging Disciplines Programs were launched over 20 years ago, we began with four interdisciplinary concentrations designed to enrich the undergraduate experience at UT Austin. Today, we serve over 800 current students across 16 different programs, and more than 2,500 alumni have completed BDP certificates. We are proud of our incredible students and alumni, and we are continuing to expand the opportunities we offer UT students to participate in transformative, interdisciplinary learning experiences. In this edition of The Bridge, I would like to share with you some exciting changes coming to the BDPs!
In the Fall 2024 semester, we will welcome the first cohort of students to our soon-to-be-launched 17th BDP certificate, in Criminal Law, Justice & Inequality. This program will help students examine the institutions that shape the origins, functions, and effects of the criminal legal system—from policing, to courts, to prisons—in social life.
We are also tremendously honored to share the news that our Patients, Practitioners & Cultures of Care (PPCC) BDP certificate has received a generous gift establishing an endowment in honor of Joe W. Bratcher III. This endowment will be dedicated to growing the PPCC program and enhancing the opportunities for students to bring humanistic approaches to their learning about health and health care.
BDP students and alumni continue to find meaningful hands-on opportunities to deepen their understanding of their BDP topic and further their career goals. Along with our feature stories, you’ll hear from current BDP students Abby Jones and Alyssa Nun as they describe what they have learned from their Fall 2023 Connecting Experiences, and alumna Courtney Wiesepape shares how the skills gained through interdisciplinary learning have been crucial to her professional journey.
Thank you for reading, and for your continued support of the BDPs and our students.
—Jeanette Herman
Director, Bridging Disciplines Programs