The Joe W. Bratcher III Patients, Practitioners & Cultures of Care BDP is supported by a generous $2 million endowment from Ian Bratcher and his family. The certificate is named in honor of Ian’s father, Joe W. Bratcher III.

Ian Bratcher provided the following words about his father: “Joe W. Bratcher III was an ardent believer in and defender of human rights, and through his philanthropic efforts, made significant differences in the lives of many. While those in Austin may have known him best for his contributions to the arts and culture, namely through the advent of Malvern Books, his passion for helping others was tremendous. He believed in the importance of universal access to healthcare, and that the state of the healthcare system in the United States was in desperate need of reform. He also believed that a strong foundation in the humanities, as well as the social sciences, was an important asset for any professional, especially those working directly with people.
For these reasons, my wife Madison Goforth and I are proud to endow the Patients, Practitioners, and Cultures of Care Bridging Disciplines Program in my late father’s honor. We both know that my father would be grateful to see that his resources were being used in a way that will help to improve a system that is in dire need of improvement. The interdisciplinary nature of this BDP is something that my father would have been proud to support, and we look forward to seeing all the good that will come from the flourishing of this program.”
Read more about the Joe W. Bratcher III Patients, Practitioners & Cultures of Care BDP and endowment in the Undergraduate College news.