Flag Approval Levels

Flags may be approved at either the instructor level or the course level. If you have any questions about the approval level for your course flag, please contact us.

Instructor Level

Instructor-level approvals are attached to the course number, topic number (if applicable), and instructor EID. Instructor-level approvals are active for three years and are appropriate for courses that only meet the flag criteria when taught by particular instructors. Individual instruction courses may not be flagged at the instructor level since there is no instructor EID connected with this type of course.

Course Level

Course-level approvals are linked to the course number and topic number (if applicable), and they apply to all sections taught under the flagged course number or topic. Course-level approvals are active indefinitely.

Course-level flags can be added to course numbers or numbered topics. All sections offered under this number will be automatically flagged each semester. Unnumbered topics courses require additional consideration to be flagged at the course level as all topics under that course number must meet flag criteria.

A department must designate a faculty contact person for a course-level flag. The faculty contact should be part of the regular departmental faculty who serves as the primary point of contact for questions about the flag proposal. In addition, the faculty contact is responsible for ensuring that all sections of the flagged course meet flag criteria.