Proposal Review Process

Each flag is overseen by a campus-wide faculty committee that works with Center for the Core Curriculum staff members to interpret the flag criteria, approve courses to carry the flag, and evaluate student learning from flagged courses. Once you submit your proposal, it will be reviewed by the faculty committee and the CCC curriculum specialist for that flag. Upon completion of the review process, you will receive an email notifying you that your proposal has been approved, requesting additional information, or notifying you that your proposal has not been approved with an explanation of the committee’s decision. Whenever possible, the CCC staff and faculty committees work with instructors and departments to get courses approved for the appropriate flag and at the appropriate level.

Although there may be exceptions, you should expect to get a response to your proposal by January for summer and fall semester proposals and June for spring semester proposals. Please see the right side of this page for upcoming deadlines, and contact us if you have questions about your proposal or the review process.