Sample Proposal: Independent Inquiry

School of Nursing

Please direct all questions about the flag proposal process to the Center for the Skills & Experience Flags.

N 355P: Adult Health Nursing II (Practicum)

School of Nursing

*How does the proposed course satisfy the flag requirements?**

Students will go to the hospital the evening before their clinical and collect data on their patients. Students then research the information about diagnoses, medications, procedures, and lab values of their patients and prepare a plan of care. The plan of care with rationales for the interventions is presented orally to the faculty. This plan of care is used to evaluate the student’s performance and is incorporated into some of the written assignments.

Describe typical assignments related to Independent Inquiry.

Weekly Client Data Bases (CDBs) and two Nursing Process Reports that include CDBs and Concept Maps. Providing nursing care to patients based on independent inquiry.

Please explain how at least one-third of the course grade is based on content related to Independent Inquiry.

The students’ independent investigation of their patients’ health conditions along with the plan of nursing care will be reflected in the evaluation of 1) Application of Knowledge (20% of grade); 2) Management (10% of grade); and 3) Nursing Process (20% of grade).

*The questions on the Independent Inquiry proposal form have changed since this proposal was submitted. Please see the Independent Inquiry Proposal Tips for the current questions._
