Sample Proposal: Writing

School of Architecture

Please direct all questions about the flag proposal process to the Center for the Skills & Experience Flags.

ARC 368R Topics in the History of Architecture: History of Building Technology

What substantial writing projects will your students complete during the course?

The course has three streams of writing assignments:

  • Six position papers (two pages each) that respond to assigned readings and establish topics for class discussion
  • A reconnaissance report (1,200 words plus supporting matter) summarizing a short-turnaround research study
  • Research paper (approximately fifteen pages) on a topic selected by the student.

What kinds of feedback will students receive from the instructor, and what opportunities will they have to read and comment on each other’s work? How often and how extensively will they revise their own writing?

  • Position papers – From instructor: weekly written comments From peers: papers are posted for comment on Canvas and discussed in class
  • Reconaissance Report – The initial research, developed in teams, is presented in class and receives comment from the instructor and peers. The written reports are shared with peers for comment on Canvas and receive written comments from the instructor.
  • Research project – From instructor: review at proposal stage with written comments; required individual meetings at outline stage; feedback at the presentation to the class; written comments on final paper. Revisions made as necessary at each stage. From peers: peer review of expanded outline; feedback at the class presentation.

The proposal and outline may be rewritten to clarify objectives. The poster session is a device for self-feedback (based on the student’s awareness of the strength of his or her arguments as presented to peers and instructors). The format of the expanded abstract offers an opportunity to test wording of key parts of the final paper. Final paper receives written comments from teaching assistants.

What amount of the final course grade will come from the written work (minimum one-third for a three-hour course)?

85% of the final grade is based on the reconnaissance report and the research project. 15% of the final grade is based on the response papers and work in the class discussions.
