Sample Proposal: Writing

McCombs School of Business

Please direct all questions about the flag proposal process to the Center for the Skills & Experience Flags.

I B 378 International Business Operations

Department of Marketing

What substantial writing projects will your students complete during the course?

Students will complete 3 individual assignments for the class, all of which will require either academic or applied writing. These three assignments will all be thorough reports of a students’ analysis of a case. Each case assignment will include a clear, concise, problem statement, an identification of key facts, an analysis of the implications of the salient facts, detailed recommendations and a well-formulated implementation strategy. In total, students write a total of 18-21 pages of material throughout the semester.

What kinds of feedback will students receive from the instructor, and what opportunities will they have to read and comment on each other’s work? How often and how extensively will they revise their own writing?

Students in IB 378 will receive extensive feedback on each individual assignment explaining where and how they can improve their writing skills. This feedback will include both grammatical corrections and proposals for the re-thinking of major arguments, organizational elements, perspectives or stylistic choices in the case analysis. As a part of the class, each student will be required to meet independently with the professor and/or TA to discuss the progress of their writing. In addition, at least one paper during the semester will be submitted for comments from the professor and/or TA. Students will be required to revise their papers based on the feedback of the instructor and/or TA and the grade on this final paper will be based on the student’s revised draft. Finally, one individual case study will require the students to include a review and critique from another student. The final submission will include the revised work as well as a copy of the draft with critiques. Furthermore, at the end of the semester, students will be required to complete a written peer evaluation of their team members for the group assignments.

What amount of the final course grade will come from the written work (minimum one-third for a three-hour course)?

Individual Case Analysis #1: 5%

Individual Case Analysis #2: 10%

Individual Case Analysis #3: 20%

TOTAL: 35%
