College of Communication
Please direct all questions about the flag proposal process to the Center for the Skills & Experience Flags.
CMS 372K Advanced Organizational Communication
Department of Communication Studies
What substantial writing projects will your students complete during the course?
Students in CMS 327K complete numerous small writing assignments that build toward a large research paper. Students complete multiple group writing assignments (3-5 labs, 1-2 pages). Their individual writing assignments include a formative essay (1-2 pages) to provide an early indicator of their writing skill, and a research-based organizational communication intervention (8-10 pages) that they propose (1 page), draft, and revise in the last third of the course.
What kinds of feedback will students receive from the instructor, and what opportunities will they have to read and comment on each other’s work? How often and how extensively will they revise their own writing?
Students may revise their formative essay for credit, and they must revise their intervention research paper. They first submit a graded draft. After receiving detailed feedback, students revise and write a letter of revision that describes how they responded to the feedback. Students are also provided class time to (a) give feedback to each other during the group writing projects (the labs) and (b) to receive feedback on their research-based intervention from a peer reviewer. We spend a full class covering what makes for effective peer feedback, and students receive a standardized rubric to guide their feedback giving. The quality of their peer reviewing figures into their final grade for the research-based intervention.
What amount of the final course grade will come from the written work (minimum one-third for a three-hour course)?
Together, the draft and final versions of their research-based intervention comprise 45% of their grade. Other writing assignments total an additional 15%.