Sample Proposal: Writing

College of Fine Arts

Please direct all questions about the flag proposal process to the Center for the Skills & Experience Flags.

MUS 337 Music and Film Sound

Department of Music

What substantial writing projects will your students complete during the course?

A short (two-three page) analytical paper on an assigned film. A long (20-25 page) research paper; with the consent of the instructor a set of coordinated webpages of similar scope (6000 words) might be substituted for the research paper. I have designed the long paper so that students can complete an initial draft in parts. They will write several screening reports and/or scene analyses; much of these reports and analyses should be able to be incorporated into the final paper.

What kinds of feedback will students receive from the instructor, and what opportunities will they have to read and comment on each other’s work? How often and how extensively will they revise their own writing?

As students will write several portions of the longer paper as preparatory assignments, I will be able give them feedback on these drafts. They will also submit a first draft for comment well before the final draft is due, giving them sufficient time for substantial revision. In addition, one class each week will be devoted to a writing workshop. Some of these will be used for developing research skills, others for practical matters such as how to incorporate a musical example or film still into a paper and how to include a substantive discussion of a scholarly article. Besides I will also assign a formal peer evaluation in addition to the regular informal feedback students will receive from each other during the workshop sessions.

What amount of the final course grade will come from the written work (minimum one-third for a three-hour course)?

