Sharing Research

Once you have completed your research, find opportunities to share your research with a wider audience. There many avenues through which researchers can share their work through UT Austin: academic publishing, national and international conferences, and campus events.


If your research experience culminates in a paper, you may want to consider submitting it to a journal for publication. There are a number of UT Austin undergraduate research journals and external research journalsStudents seeking to publish their research can refer to our list of undergraduate-oriented research journals. Your supervisor can help you find the best fit journals for your research. The Office of Undergraduate Research offers a workshop on Academic publishing for student researchers.

Presenting Your Work

If you want to share your research with an audience or meet with other researchers in your field, you may want to consider presenting your work at a conference on- or off-campus. Conferences provide an important networking opportunity for researchers at all levels of their career. Learn about the ways you can share your research with an audience through oral or poster presentations at events on campus and at conferences. The Office of Undergraduate Research hosts workshops on improving your presenting skills, attending an academic conference, and how to design a research poster.