Guide to Creating Research Posters

Creating and presenting a research poster is a common way for undergraduate researchers to share their work at conferences, symposia, and other events. Undergraduates can present independent research or, with approval from a faculty supervisor, work done as an assistant on a faculty member’s project.

A research poster is a visual communication tool that allows you to present your research in a clear, concise, graphic format. It attracts attention, conveys information clearly, and initiates conversations, and can represent any stage of the research process. Researchers often create posters before the completion of the research project in order to invite feedback or collaboration.

How to Use This Guide

Creating your poster is a multiple-step process. It’s important to carefully consider each topic below.

  • Poster Samples and Poster Templates

    Get ideas about how your final poster could look.
  • Create your message

    Assess → Develop Content → Organize → Design → Communicate
  • Review

    Evaluate your poster to identify areas of potential improvement.
  • Print

    Find places to print your poster and avoid last-minute problems.
  • Present

    Be prepared on presentation day.

This guide was created in collaboration with the College of Natural Sciences and the Undergraduate Writing Center.