Non-profits & Social Entrepreneurship BDP student Ceinna Little was able to explore non-profits and their role in affordable housing through an independent research project.
"The most rewarding aspect of my Connecting Experience was being able to produce a piece of research that I could showcase and display my skills to graduate schools and future employers."
How would you describe your research project and how did you come up with the idea?
I produced a research paper and poster as my Connecting Experience titled Nonprofits and Their Role in Affordable Housing Creation and Implementation. I wanted to explore the history behind non-profits’ involvement with affordable housing along with how affordable housing, created and maintained by nonprofit organizations, contributes toward the overall stock of affordable housing in cities. Because I intend to pursue affordable housing through graduate school and my career, I wanted a way to connect my BDP to my future academic and career goals.
What was the most rewarding aspect of your Connecting Experience?
The most rewarding aspect of my Connecting Experience was being able to produce a piece of research that I could showcase and display my skills to graduate schools and future employers. The hard work paid off as I was able to look at the final product and see how much growth I endured throughout my undergraduate experience.
In what ways has this Connecting Experience shaped your plans for the future?
Since I completed my Connecting Experience in my last semester after I applied and was accepted to graduate school, I would say my plans for the future shaped my project more than the other way around. I am, however, interested in possibly exploring the topic further in graduate school through a capstone or thesis project.