Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship student Keyanna Maxwell conducted market research to better understand startup needs and failures, looking specifically at startups in creative arenas. She explored the intersections between these types of businesses as she prepared to create a business plan for a makers studio focused on baking, cooking classes, sewing, and other creative endeavors.
"The most rewarding aspect of my Connecting Experience was talking with people who have a variety of backgrounds and experiences who were able to share different ways of starting a business.”
Please describe your project and how you came up with the idea.
For my research project I wanted to talk with local entrepreneurs about their experiences with starting their own business. I got this idea from wanting to have personal conversations with entrepreneurs that I have seen in my classes. I wanted to see how people in non-traditional fields such as photographers, bakers and crafters found ways to start their businesses. I was able to learn so much about the different ways that people find opportunities to start businesses.
What was the most rewarding aspect of your Connecting Experience?
The most rewarding aspect of my Connecting Experience was talking with people who have a variety of backgrounds and experiences who were able to share different ways of starting a business. I was able to see that there are many ways to getting to a similar goal of owning a business.
In what ways has this Connecting Experience shaped your plans for the future?
This Connecting Experience has helped me to be more open with taking chances on myself. One of my interviewees had an amazing idea for a new business. She had previously owned her own business and had closed her shop. She said that she would love to open a cookie business but she did not want to handle the business side of the venture. She said that if I were to learn some of the business aspects should would be happy to be the creative mind for the business. Because of this interview, I applied for a competitive Food and Beverage course offered by the university and will be participating in this class during the summer. My hope is to learn more about the industry and be able to apply that knowledge directly to this cookie business.