Gaither Junior Fellows Program

The James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace offers a substantive work experience for students committed to a career in international affairs. Following applications and interviews, approximately 15 students are hired to work as research assistants at Carnegie in Washington, DC. Advanced proficiency in one or more foreign languages is essential; facility with research methodologies (including, for example, statistical inquiry) is important as well.


Gaither Junior Fellows are hired for a period of 10–12 months, with fellowships beginning September 1.

Salary and Housing

Positions are paid, full-time for up to one year. The current monthly salary is $3,916.67. A full benefits package is provided. Gaither Junior Fellows will be provided up to $1,500.00 (grossed up for taxes) in relocation support. Fellows are responsible for their own housing arrangements.

Areas of Application

Applicants should consult the Carnegie website for current areas of focus. Recent research programs include Asia; Democracy, Conflict, and Governance; Europe; Middle East; Nuclear Policy; Russia and Eurasia; or Technology and International Affairs.

Conditions of Eligibility

  • US citizenship is NOT required for this program.
  • You are a graduating senior or recent alum within one year of graduation. (If you have already started a graduate program you are not eligible to apply.)
  • You have foreign language competency or even fluency.
  • If you applied in your senior year, you are allowed to apply again the following year provided you meet the other eligibility criteria.

UT Austin may nominate up to two students for consideration. The internal UT selection due date is December 13, 2024. Application materials must be submitted through the ODPS Application for Endorsement form, to request access please email