Churchill Scholarship

Churchill Scholarships fund one year of study at Churchill College, Cambridge, in mathematics, biology, biochemistry, physical anthropology, computer speech and language processing, computer science, physics, chemistry or mathematical statistics. At least thirteen Churchill Scholarships (tenable for nine or twelve months, depending on the academic program) are offered annually. The Churchill Scholarship covers all University and College tuition and fees. In addition, students receive a living allowance and a small allowance for travel to and from the United Kingdom.

More details regarding the Churchill Scholarship are available through The Winston Churchill Foundation.

Conditions of Eligibility

  • You are a citizen of the United States
  • You are a senior enrolled at UT Austin or have recently graduated from UT Austin or other participating institution
  • You are between the ages of 19 and 26
  • You hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent
  • You have not attained a doctorate

Application Materials

Please note: If you are interested in applying for a Churchill Scholarship, you need to research an intended program of study very carefully. Committees will need to feel that there is a compelling reason for you to want to study in a particular field; the more specific you can be in your rationale, the better.

Downloadable instructions, recommendation forms, and an online application may all be accessed through The Winston Churchill Foundation scholarship page.

Application Deadline

The University of Texas at Austin deadline for the Churchill Scholarship application is usually mid-fall. This scholarship is administered by the College of Natural Sciences. Please see additional information at CNS Honors & Scholarships.